Subject: PATTERNS: V1.2a Weight Mgt. Author: T. M. Parker Uploaded By: Date: 1/11/1997 File: PAT12A.ZIP (110299 bytes) Estimated Download Time (41151 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2536 Equipment: EGA or better Graphics Needs: An UnZIPing Program, DOS Keywords: Parker, Health, Diet, Loss,Top Pick, DOS Type: Shareware Uploaded by TedParker (The author) PATTERNS intelligent weight management program utilizes "pattern recognition" technology similar to that used in the highly successful smart weapons of Desert Storm! Use of artificial intelligence to provide information on future weight and trend, based on YOUR own, unique weight change patterns, is a new concept when applied to weight loss. Easy-to-use, informative and educational. Ideal for corporate wellness or individual progems. Many AUTOMATICALLY calculated features such as BMI (Body Mass Index) and Goal Weight Range. PATTERNS maintains a 15 week "weight history" with a 3 week projection of pattern of future weight. PATTERNS measures the effectiveness of YOUR weight loss program! Goal Weight Target Area displayed on PATTERNS' graphical Weight History Chart. Minor bug fix to 2nd sheet form feed with laserjet/inkjet printers. NEW: Statistics of 15 week weight history include... minimum, maximum, average, median and standard deviation; new opening screen. To run, enter: PATTERNS Documentation: README.1ST, PATTERNS.DOC Downloads for previous versions: 4309